Until the appearance of coinage in the 7th century B.C., trade was based on the barter system and the use of appraised amounts of gold and silver in exchange for merchandise. The deceit and the sisa in the quantities created the need to institute a different system of exchange. Thus arose the coinage based on gold pieces with a fixed weight. The first known coins were minted in Asia Minor around 650 B.C. and in the 5th century B.C. those of the Greek colonies of Emporion (Ampurias), Rode (Rosas) and the Phoenicians of Ebusus (Ibiza) and Gadir (Cadiz). During the Roman Empire there were numerous mints distributed throughout the vast territory of the Empire. Numismatic collecting is very old. Already in the Renaissance the popes treasured coins for their art and value. There are even those who say that the Roman emperors paid for coins that were not in circulation prices higher than the face value. In Durán Arte y Subastas' in-person auction, online store and online auction, you will find collectibles from different countries and periods. Historical coins, Greek, Roman, Spanish coins from all periods, numismatic pieces of interest for collectors and fans of the exciting numismatic world.

Durán Sala de Arte 2025

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