Who we are
What other types of sales apart from auctioning?
Yes, in our Online Shop you can find a wide catalog of works and objects of different categories: contemporary art, collectibles, vintage, wristwatches, jewelry, books, and so on.
In addition in Private Sale we manage sales of works of special relevance.
How to sell
Are the items insured?
All works are insured at the starting price or the price agreed upon for their sale. The cost of insurance for the seller is 0.6% of the estimated starting or selling price.
How can we transport the items?
Transport, unless otherwise agreed, is at the owner's expense. If you do not know a reliable company, Durán Arte y Subastas can provide you with companies to manage the shipment.
Why can I not collect in cash?
Durán Arte y Subastas, by virtue of its status as a company dedicated to the art and antiques trade, is subject to the SEPBLAC (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses) and therefore to the law 10/2010 of April 28th that establishes the due diligence measures that must be observed by the obligated parties.
What is the participation right?
Law 2/2019 of March 1 amends the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law of 1996. This law establishes, among others, that the resale, through professionals, of works of artists alive or deceased less than 70 years ago are subject to withholding to the seller, in concept of participation rights, when the resale price is equal or higher than €800.00. The amount would be based on the following percentages:
4% of the first €50,000;
3% of the amount between €50,001 and €200,000;
1% of the amount between €200,001 and €300,000;
0.5% of the amount between €300,001 and €500,000;
0.25% of 500.001€ and upwards.
In no case may the entitlement exceed €12,500;
In the case of deceased artists the entitlement is collected by the successors in title.
How do you undergo the payment?
The amount of the sale, after deduction of brokerage, expenses and taxes, if any, will be settled 30 days after the auction (provided that the lot is paid for by the buyer) by bank transfer to an account number whose holder is the same as the holder of the deposit receipt.
How to sell - Private Sale
What type of documentation do I have to give in?
If you are an individual with residency in Spain, a copy of your National Identity Card (D.N.I. or N.I.E.).
If you are an individual with no residency in Spain, a copy of your passport or other legally valid document with photograph.
If you are a legal entity, you must provide a copy of:
incorporation of the company
certificate of beneficial ownership
Identity document of the legal representative
power of attorney
N.I.F. of the company
How do I know if my items can be managed through a Private Sale or at auction?
Durán Arte y Subastas will study your works and will advise you on the best way to manage your sale. All Private Sale inquiries are treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality. Send quality photographs and information such as author, period, edition, and so on. Durán Arte y Subastas will study your works and will advise you on the best way to manage your sale. All Private Sale inquiries are treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality.
What is the valuation fee?
The appraisal fee is: 2 % on a total valuation of less than 9.000 € 1,5 % on a total valuation of between 9.000 and 30.000 € 1 % on a total valuation of more than 30.000 € These fees do not include V.A.T., as well as any expenses incurred in the rendering of valuation services outside the municipal limits of the city of Madrid.
What is the difference between a valuation and a valoration?
In an appraisal, a report is prepared with the estimated market price. This report will be valid for the purposes of probate distribution, insurance, payment of debts, and so on.
In the valuation will include an estimate, without commitment, of the starting price at auction. This price will be a reference as a basis for the auction, but not a market price.
How to buy - In-person Auction
How can I register?
To register you only have to fill in the fields of the form given. If you are a new customer you must provide the requested documentation.
Why do you have to keep a copy of my documentation?
Law 10/2010 of April 28, 2010 on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, article 2, establishes that people who professionally trade in art objects or antiques are obliged to do so. One of the due diligence measures is to identify and keep the supporting documents.
How can I pay the acquired lots?
With VISA or Mastercard at the hall office or through Sala de Arte S.L.U.
IBAN: ES60 2038 1532 8860 0007 5194
Cheque made payable to Durán Sala de Arte SLU. In this case the lots will not be delivered until the amount is deposited in the account.
In cash up to the legally established limit. No installment payments of the same invoice in which a part is in cash will be accepted.
Why do I have a limit to pay in cash and cannot divide a bill?
Durán Arte y Subastas, by virtue of its status as a company dedicated to the trade of art and antiques, is subject to the (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses) and therefore to Law 10/2010 of April 28, which establishes the due diligence measures to be observed by the obligated parties.
How can I bid?
In-person bidding, you must register and pick up your paddle.
If you cannot attend you can:
Leaving a pre-bid in the room, by email or fax.
By submitting your bid through duran-subastas.com.
Bid online by registering on our live bidding platform. You could; follow the auction in streaming from your computer, phone or tablet and bid directly. To bid in live bidding you must register at least 24 hours before the auction. If you are already registered you can access the auction at any time once it has started.
Request a telephone bid on
[email protected]
How to buy - Online Auction
Can I place an autobid?
Yes, you can leave an auto bid for the maximum amount you wish. The system will bid for you only when other bids are received until it reaches, only if necessary, the limit indicated.
How can I pay the lots acquired?
With VISA or Mastercard at the office of the hall or through www.duran-subastas.com Bank transfer to: Durán Sala de Arte S.L.U IBAN: ES60 2038 1532 8860 0007 5194 SWIFT / BIC: CAHMESMMXXX Bizum, with a limit of 3.000,00€.
How to sell - Online Auction
How can I pay a purchase done in the Onle Store?
With VISA or Mastercard at the office of the hall or through www.duran-subastas.com Bank transfer to: Durán Sala de Arte S.L.U IBAN: ES60 2038 1532 8860 0007 5194 SWIFT / BIC: CAHMESMMXXX Bizum, with a limit of 3.000,00€.
Can I return my purchase?
You have a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the purchase to return your purchase. Durán will check, upon receipt of the item, that it is in the same condition in which it was sent and will proceed to refund the amount. Shipping costs are always at the customer's expense.
What happens if two users select in the same article?
When a user saves an item in the cart, it will be reserved for 15 minutes. After a given time it will be available again in the catalog. Items will remain in the cart until they confirm payment or are selected by another user.
How to buy - Private Sale
What is a Private Sale?
The Private Sale is a service to manage the sale of specific works of art for collectors looking for relevant pieces.
What type of documentation do I have to give in?
If you are an individual resident in Spain, a copy of your National Identity Card (D.N.I. or N.I.E.).
If you are an individual not resident in Spain, a copy of your passport or other legally valid document with photograph.
If you are a legal entity, you must provide a copy of:
incorporation of the company
certificate of beneficial ownership
identity card of the legal representative
power of attorney
Company's N.I.F.
Payments and shipments
How can I pay a lot?
By VISA or Mastercard at the hall's office or via
Bank transfer to:
Durán Sala de Arte S.L.U.
IBAN: ES60 2038 1532 8860 0007 5194
Cheque made out to Durán Sala de Arte SLU. In this case the lots will not be delivered until the amount is deposited in the account.
In cash up to the legally established limit. No installment payments of the same invoice in which a part is in cash will be accepted.
What is the sales comission?
The auction price will be increased by 23%, which corresponds to the room brokerage (19.18%) and the V.A.T. (21%) of the brokerage.
In Private Sales there is no fixed brokerage rate and it will be subject to particular agreements.
Why do I have a limit to pay in cash and cannot divide a bill?
Durán Arte y Subastas, by virtue of its status as a company dedicated to the art and antiques trade, is subject to the SEPBLAC (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses) and therefore to Law 10/2010 of April 28, 2010, which establishes the due diligence measures to be observed by obligated parties.
Can items be shipped?
Durán does not have its own transportation service but we will provide you with the best option to ship your piece both nationally and internationally with the best transportation companies.
Are international shipments made?
Works may be sent outside Spain in compliance with the requirements set forth in Law 16/1985, of June 25, 1985, on Spanish Historical Heritage.
How will I receive a refund for returned works?
The amount of the returned works (only in cases of Online Only trade) will be made by bank transfer to an account of the same holder of the invoice, provided that the work to be returned has already been received and that it is in the same condition it was in. In no case the refund will be made in cash.
Can I return a lot acquired at auction?
Lots awarded at auction cannot be returned. The purpose of the pre-auction exhibition is to allow you to examine the objects and make sure that the catalog description meets the condition of the lot. You may also request a condition report on any of the lots at auction.
My Account
What information do I have to facilitate?
You must provide:
Name and surname
E-mail address
In addition, you must provide a copy of your D.N.I, N.I.E. in case you are Spanish or resident in Spain. Non-resident foreigners must provide a copy of their passport or legally valid document with photograph.
Can I register as an enterprise?
Legal entities must provide the following information:
Company name
E-mail address
In addition, the following documentation must be provided:
constitution of the company
certificate of title deed
identity card of the legal representative
power of attorney
Company's N.I.F.
How can I modify the information registered?
You can modify all the data except your name, surname and document number in the case of natural people. In the case of legal persons, you cannot modify the company´s name and tax identification number.