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Lot: 486
Miguel de Unamuno. Signed letter

UNAMUNO, Miguel de.- Handwritten letter signed at last, without date, of entirely political content, responds to a letter received: "it is always very difficult to answer an interrogation and much more difficult when in the form, in the direction or in the The tone of the questions already presupposes a certain direction to what must be answered... If the working classes do not intervene more today in the management of public affairs, it is because they have other more urgent things to do, including earning a living. .. He who has to work eight, nine or twelve hours to earn three, four or at most five pesetas of wages cannot aspire to efficient and effective participation in the government... I believe in the need for every man, if He must be a true man, to consider the religious problem..." Folded page, signed at the end. Attached are two letters sent to the previous owner, one from the University of Salamanca and the other on behalf of the Afrodisio Aguado Publishing House, requesting delivery of the letter, or a copy of it, for the regrouping of Unamuno's letters.

Signed handwritten letter

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