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Lot: 3197
Dürer. Vitruvian. Ioan de Arphe (in one vol.)

Architecture. Three important treatises in one volume.-

"ALBERTI DURERI PICTORIS ET ARCHITECTI.- praestanssimi de urbibus, arcibus, castellisque condendis, ac muniendis rationes aliquot, praesenti bellorum necessitati accommodatetissimae: nunc recens e lingua Germanica in Latinam traductae" Parissis: Christiani Wecheli , sub Scuto Basiliensi, 1535. Port. + 41 hrs. (complete) Water stain at the beginning of the example, and two h. broken without loss Second Parisian edition, and first translated into Latin.

"M. VITRVVIO POLLION DE ARCHITECTURA.- divided into ten books, translated from Latin into Spanish by Miguel de Urrea Architect and drawn in its perfectio by Iuan Gracian impressor vezino de Alcala. Addressed to the SCRM of King Don Phelippe Second of this name our Lord" Alcalá de Henares: Iuan Gracian, 1582. 178 fols. num. (ie 138) + 7h. of tables (complete). Palau 371184: "First posthumous Spanish translation".

ARPHE Y VILLAFAÑE, Ioan de.- "OF VARIOUS COMMENURATION FOR SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE. Addressed to His Excellency Mr. Pedro Giron, Duke of Ossuna, Count of Urueña and Marquis of Peñafiel, Viceroy of Naples" Seville: Andrea Pescioni Press and Iuan de León, 1585. 6 h. + 35 fl. + 1 hour; 48 fl. + 2 hours Wood engravings. Only the first two parts (of four to be complete) Palau 16055: "Prince Edition of a work that has always been sought after."

DURERO, ALBERTO (1471 - 1528)
Alberti Dureri pictoris et architecti
Editorial printer
Christiani Wecheli
With: Vitrivio and Ioan de Arphe

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