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Lot: 436
figue at Kota-Mindumu reliquary, Gabon

Keeper of "mbulu" relics. Kota-Mindumu, Gabon. With metal base.

56.5 cm high (without base).

The guardian figures guard the relics of relevant ancestors, and as long as their descendants comply with the obligation to "keep them alive" through offerings, they ensure happiness and the well-being of the family lineage. In the same way, they take part in initiation dances, intercede for the fertility of the group, good hunting, business..., and intervene in personal disputes.

These surprising sculptures were reduced to the essentials to suggest the human figure (a rhombus, a spiral and a semicircle), the "primitive artifacts" that struck Picasso and Gris in the Trocadero museum. The tendency towards abstraction and schematic lines of these figures greatly influenced the break with the classical canon carried out by the avant-garde.

Juan Gris, fascinated by the use of three dimensions in a plane, made a copy of a Kota guardian cut out of cardboard, now disappeared, to later write: "How can we not admit an art that proceeding in this way manages to individualize what is general and each time in a different way? It is the opposite of Greek art...".

Keeper of "mbulu" relics, Kota-Mindumu
You can browse the lot in
C/ Goya 19 1ª planta, entrada por joyería Durán 28001 Madrid
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From Monday to Friday from

10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours
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1.900 €

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