Documentary set. Puebla de Almenara.- Important documentary set that covers from the s. XIV to XVIII, which documents the history of Puebla de Almenara and its most prominent inhabitants: Cardenal Mendoza, Juan de Heredia and María de Peralta, Gregorio de Silva y Mendoza, Rodrigo de Silva Mendoza, Prince of Melito and Duke of Pastrana, and great-grandson of Ana Mendoza de la Cerda (princess of Éboli), etc.
We highlight, among the documents documents and files:
-Survey of the estate of Mills and plots and lands on the banks of Guijuela, Almenera manor. 1579.
-Simple transfer of the estate of Mr. Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Count of Melito. 1489.
-Possessions that in the year 1487 were given by testimony of Juan Díaz de Ríos to Francisco de Gobantes, in the name and by virtue of the power he had of Cardinal Don Pedro González de Mendoza, of the town of Almenara with its Strength, and terms and the other things contained in the deed.
-Buy Beacon. Original sale of Don Juan de Heredia and Doña María de Peralta from Villa de la Puebla de Almenara in 1485 in favor of Don Pedro González de Mendoza, Cardinal of Spain and Archbishop of Toledo.
-Power of attorney granted by Juan de Heredia and Dª María de Peralta in favor of Pedro de Almenara to carry out the sale of the Villa de la Puebla de Almenara. 1487.
-Mayorazgo of Almenara founded by Cardinal Don Pedro González de Mendoza: Transfer of the deeds of Mayorazgo of the County of Melito and Marquesado de Almenara.
-Lawsuit between D. Rodrigo de Silva Mendoza, Prince of Melito and Duke of Pastrana, with the Count of Chinchón over the property of the state of Almenara, document in which the Princess of Éboli is mentioned.
- Possessions of the state of Pastrana and Almenara that were given to the Hon. Mr. Don Gregorio de Silva y Mendoza, Prince of Melito, Duke of Pastrana, Marquis of Cercedilla y Almenara, in 1635.
-Titles of possessions of the jurisdiction, lordship, vassalage and income of the State of Almenara, given to the Hon. . Mr. Prince of Melito, Duke of Pastrana and of the Infantado and Marquis of Almenara. 1663.
-Original deed of the donation and estate made by D. Pedro González de Mendoza, Cardinal of Spain and Archbishop of Toledo, in favor of Don Diego de Mendoza, his son, from Puebla de Almenera…
- Transfer of the attributions of the assets that the Marquis of Alamenara has in Almendros, in 1636.
-Shopping and demarcation of the lands and estates belonging to the Duke in Villa de Almendros in the year 1629.
- tProvisions for which justice is ordered so that they do not bother the people who are going to demolish the mill that the Duke has in the town of Amenara, in the Ribera de Guijuela, in 1729.
Second documentary typology, made up of manuscripts on parchment all dating from the XIV, generally in good condition but without lead seal.
-Original confirmation... of the Infante D. Pedro de Aragón, Marqués de Villena, Count of Vinagorda and Constable of Castilla in favor of Jayme de Cervera, on the property of Puebla de Almenara, in 1392
-Letter of payment in favor of Jayme de Cervera of 440 flo. Part of the price of the town of Puebla de Almenara. 1399
-A favor granted by King Enrique to Pedro Sánchez, his judge, of the rights that could belong to him in Almenara. 1396.
-Sale of Puebla de Almenara granted by Rodrigo de Cervera in favor of Pedro Sánchez. 1395.
-Sale of Puebla near Almenara granted by Rodrigo Cervera in favor of D. Pedro Sanchez on October 30, 1395.
-Concord between Pedro Sánchez and Jaime Cervera on the sale of Puebla de Almenara : concord and agreement against date in Illescas on January 22, 1399.
-Privilege and confirmation of King Enrique, given in Madrid on December 6, 1395, countersigned by Diego Alfonso de Dueñas, in favor of Rodrigo of Cervera... of Puebla de Almenara with jurisdiction, income and vassals.
-Possession taken by Pedro Sánchez doctor of the place of Puebla de Almenara, in it on December 29, 1396.
Privilege and original confirmation of King Don Enrique, its date in Madrid on December 6, 1395, countersigned by Diego Alfonso de Dueñas in favor of Rodrigo de Cervera so that he could sell his town in Puebla de Almenara.
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